
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Tail light for Dyna rust

Very cold to day around 36 degrees , The day before Christmas, didn't do much around the house (lazy I guess).  Not that I didn't have things to do. Ole lady wanted me to go to a party but I decided to stay around here and play my guitar. That was fun but no were near as fun as riding. The weather man is saying it is going to be nice and in the 50s by the week end so may be just may be I'll get to take the Dyna rust out for a little ride. Going to be changing oil on her soon and going to need a new battery by riding season. With the 21 front rim done the only thing left to do is the home made tail light. I have made a smaller truck type light but still have to make a bracket to mount it above the tag. I have a few ideas going around in my head but nothing I like so far.

 Pictures didn't turn out to good but you should get the idea of what I have in mind. More when I get the mount figured out,

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