
Sunday, January 12, 2014

Crazy Drivers

Weather was nice to day so I took the trike out for a short spin of about 100 miles, The crazy's were out in force! Came around a long sweeping curve to find a car in my lane passing others and me no were to go, He got the car past just as I was ready to hit him. The next one was in the fast lane to pass me an turned on my front end with no signal. Luckily I was expecting it and took the shoulder to miss him. The last one I was sitting at a stop sign and a truck turning in to the road I was on was trying to beat a on coming car and he cut in on my side of the road . He just missed my front wheel. I would like to know why they don't think ??? If I have to explain it you wouldn't understand.
This one for them that can't Drive !

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