
Sunday, February 9, 2014

Mary Jane

I'm not sure I should voice my thoughts on the subject of legalizing Marijuana . My state is considering Medical Marijuana but the Governor is totally against it . My state has a big meth problem
and I'm sure he is thinking it would make things worse, If the state was to legalize Marijuana there wouldn't be any crack heads and the state would make a lot of tax money on it . In the 70's the laws were a lot different and there was no big drug problems in this area even with it being the drug revelation. What gets me these people in the Government are my age and grew up in the 70's and other than disco it wasn't half as bad as it is now. I realize states get money from Sam on the drug war and it's the bible belt I think there looking to put as many people in jail as they can and seize there property .. It is a big money maker for the local city police and sheriffs departments. It has to be a money thing for this state. That is why we have to wear helmets in this state they get money from the government and don't want to give up them funds. It always about money.. They tell you it is be cause they think it lowers the death rate in a motorcycle accidents but they don't even ride.. They don't even have a standard for helmets in this state. The law in this states says it up to the officer that pulls you over if your helmet is legal or not. My friend has been pull over a lot for his dot German helmet but they have been letting go with out to much hassle. How in the world can some one tell you.... you can't do this or that and not know anything about what there making a law on. The one thing that gets me is we are supposed to be free. As captain american said went looking for freedom but couldn't find it any where...........................

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