
Saturday, January 31, 2015


70's style


Big rear tire style chopper

        The chopper and Bobber have been around for a long time. The Bobber was the first style that seem to start after WW2 , returning service men were buying the used baggers and stripping them down. This made them lighter and faster than the old AMA Bagger types. The out law clubs liked this style for some time then in the late 60's early 70's the chopper came in to being .maybe the movie Easy Rider had some thing to do with this or not ! I am sure it was a west coast style to begin with. Both  styles have come and gone over the decades. The trend now seems to be the Bagger again. I my self care nothing for the Bagger style. My father always called them garbage trucks I guess because they had all that junk on them. All these style come and go but for me the real cool style is laid back cursing of the chopper.It is real nice with your Ole lady on the back up against the sissy bar and you laid back with pull back bars flying down the interstate . Just kooool !!!! 

Saturday, January 24, 2015


Been on the net checking out the cool art work ! Thought I would share what I found that I liked ! You can check these artist and more of there art at this link                                                                                                                                                                              

Monday, January 19, 2015

Winter Project Update

The flu has got the best of me the last couple of weeks ! Not been working on any projects or anything just trying to beat this flu thing. I have been thinking on the next move on the chopper / bobber project. I have to get the rear fender and gas tank in  prime and paint and I need to make some hard lines for my oil cooler. Going to paint the rear fender white to contrast the bright green and purple paint. Keeping with the joker theme that I'm going for !  I was thinking of adding the H A ! H A graphic all over the rear fender. For the gas tank painting it white with a purple shading on the panels on the coffin tank and a graphic of the Joke and one of side and Harley Quinn on the other side !

                                                                                                     Just a few quick graphics to show how it may look ! Did not spend any time on these ! Just for the idea!


What goes around always come back to bite you in the A## and I know this is so true ! You treat people with respect like you want to be treated and things will really be better all around . A lot of people never think about how or what they do or say can do to the people around them ! Most just care about them self and try there hardest to impress others and use people to there advantage .